NJLA Intellectual Freedom Issue Reporting Form
Please use this form to report censorship related issues to the New Jersey Library Association.

Personally identifying information (including library or town) will be kept confidential.  The nature of the challenge may be reported and shared.

If you would like assistance but are concerned about completing this form, please contact the NJLA Offices to speak with someone (609-482-1282).
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What are you reporting?
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What sort of challenge is happening?
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Please share information about the resource being challenged if appropriate (Title, Author, Website URL, Program description etc.)
 When did this happen?
Who initiated the challenge or raised the issue?  Is this person a resident of your library service area?
Why did the initiator say this was of concern?
Where did this occur? (Please include the name of the Library and Municipality)
What is your name?
What is your email address?
What support can NJLA offer you?
Do you want someone from NJLA's Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee to contact you?
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This form was created inside of New Jersey Library Association. Report Abuse